This Universal Health Coverage Day, let's enhance our oral health commitment
This UHC day, read about FDI’s advocacy and collaborative efforts aimed at elevating oral health care and realizing Vision 2030.

Every year, 12 December is designated as Universal Health Coverage (UHC) Day – a day on which the world stands together, raising a unified voice to advocate for health equality for all. This year, the day honours the theme “Health for All: Time for Action”.
FDI remains dedicated to achieving universal oral health coverage and ensuring optimal oral health delivery for everyone. Vision 2020 underscored the necessity of enhancing oral health care access to reduce disparities. Building on this, the Vision 2030 report emphasizes the integration of essential oral health services into global healthcare systems. It aims to make quality oral health care available, accessible, and affordable for all, in every country.
In recent times, FDI has increased its efforts to implement Vision 2030 to advocate for timely and affordable oral health care for all.
FDI commits to implement its Vision 2030, striving to transform universal oral health coverage from a vision into a reality
The time for action is now if UHC is to be achieved by 2030. Held on 21 September 2023, the United National High-Level Meeting on UHC reaffirmed that healthy people are the foundation for healthy societies and economies, and that UHC is central to achieving all of the Sustainable Development Goals.
FDI aligns with this important stance and continues to advocate for the integration of oral health into the broader healthcare landscape. After all, oral health is an essential part of overall health, and shares risk factors with many noncommunicable diseases (NCDs).
To highlight the importance of integrating oral health within general health, FDI has undertaken various initiatives in line with Vision 2030.
Earlier this year, FDI convened a roundtable on Access to Care, gathering diverse stakeholders to evaluate the challenges in achieving universal access to oral care. During this collaborative session, participants discussed what constitutes appropriate access to oral care and reviewed replicable best practices for expanding access to oral care through integration into primary health care systems. The roundtable included representatives of National Dental Associations (NDAs) in Vietnam, Indonesia, Ghana, and Nigeria, the World Health Organization, FDI experts from Public Health Committee and FDI Vision 2030 Implementation and Monitoring Working Group and permanent mission representatives. The discussions culminated in a comprehensive a white paper on enhancing access to oral health through primary health care.
In addition, in 2023 FDI actively engaged with its European and Latin American regional organizations to conduct Vision 2030 capacity building workshops. These workshops served as a platform to assist FDI members in assessing their regional oral disease burdens, identifying oral health advocacy priorities, and initiating targeted action plans tailored to individual regions and countries' specific needs. Moreover, FDI launched its Vision 2030 Implementation Toolkit in August to empower NDAs, other specialist groups and oral health advocates to keep oral health at the forefront of their government’s agendas – a crucial step towards realizing universal oral health coverage.
Access the Vision 2030 Advocacy Toolkit
In further efforts, FDI more recently held a roundtable, uniting non-governmental health organizations to address the integration of oral health within general health. The discussions addressed critical issues related to oral health, emphasizing the impact of sugar consumption, and explored strategies to prevent NCDs through an integrated approach. Participants contributed their perspectives, focusing on evidence-based approaches, policy development, and collaborative action.
The proceedings from this enlightening roundtable are scheduled for release in December 2023. FDI, alongside the health organizations involved in these discussions, are actively exploring further opportunities for interdisciplinary collaboration. Recognizing the power of united efforts, this collaborative approach reinforces the potential for achieving UHC.
Stay tuned as FDI continues its efforts to realize Vision 2030 and achieve universal oral health coverage.