This World Cancer Day, FDI is committed to #CloseTheCareGap
In line with this year’s World Cancer Day theme, FDI is committed to #CloseTheCareGap by developing a mobile application called ONCOllab: The oral care guide for cancer care teams.

Every year, on 4 February, World Cancer Day is observed around the world to inspire people to personally and collectively make efforts to raise awareness on the prevention, detection, and treatment of all forms of cancer. People living with cancer face many challenges when it comes to healthcare, oral health being one of them, as 30-35% of people receiving cancer therapy develop oral complications.
This year, FDI commits to “Close the Care Gap”, in line with the 2022 World Cancer Day theme, through its Oral Health and Cancer: Collaborative Care and Education project.
FDI, in collaboration with the International Society of Oral Oncology (ISOO) and with the support of our valued partner Zendium, is developing a mobile application called ONCOllab: The oral care guide for cancer care teams. This is a learning and practice-support tool aimed at helping health professionals that are part of the broader cancer care team, manage oral complications that may arise due to cancer therapy. A first version of this app will be piloted in the coming weeks and a full version will be available for healthcare professionals later this year.
About Oral Health and Cancer project
The Oral Health and Cancer: Collaborative Care and Patient Education Project aims to increase collaborative oral healthcare throughout the entire continuum of cancer care and improve knowledge about oral health and related complications among every member of the care team.
Oral Health and Cancer project
The Oral Health and Cancer: Collaborative Care and Patient Education Project is supported by Zendium.