CE programme
In Person

Management of SRBD, Sleep-related Breathing Disorders

Fiji Dental Association Annual Conference and Trade Expo


Nadi, Fiji, Asia Pacific


Prof. Young Guk Park

Prof. Young Guk Park is a researcher and author in orthodontics and craniofacial biology, especially in signal transduction of osteoblast differentiation. He is Professor of Orthodontics at the Kyung Hee University School of Dentistry, Seoul, where he is the Immediate Past Acting President and Academic Provost of the University.

He is a member of FDI World Dental Federation Council. 


Fiji Dental Association

Abstract :

Sleep-related Breathing Disorders affect people of all ages worldwide. They can be the cause of a wide range of physical, dental and mental health problems, ranging from simple day-time sleepiness to life-threatening complications. Moreover, this conditions can increase the risk of psychological problems which can damage their social relations and adversely affect school/job performance. Accordingly SRBDs affect quality of life and have serious socio-economic consequences including employment loss and traffic accidents. The presentation aims to highlight the role of dentists in diagnosis and treatment of the patients with sleep apnea with inter-professional collaboration with medical sleep doctors.

Learning objectives :

  • To understand the morphological characteristics of sleep disordered breathing
  • To review the evidence-based treatment strategies
  • To be competent to manage the patients with sleep-related breathing disorder by oral appliance