CE programme

AI and Periodontics: A Boot Camp for the Future-Ready Dentist

1st Macau International Digital Dental Forum


Macau, Macau, Asia Pacific


Dr Melissa Rachel Fok

-BDS, MDS (Perio), M Perio (RCSEd), FHKAM (Dental Surgery), FCDSHK (Periodontology), PhD (HKU)
-Clinical assistant professor (Division of Periodontology & Implant Dentistry), Faculty of Dentistry, HKU
-Periodontology Postgraduate Program Co-director (European Federation of Periodontology accredited), Faculty of Dentistry, HKU
-Deputy Director, Institute for Advanced Dentistry Clinical Research Centre, Faculty of Dentistry, HKU
-Assistant Dean (Alumni and External Affairs), Faculty of Dentistry, The University of Hong Kong


Macau Dental Association

Learning Objectives:

  • Learn the basic principles of artificial intelligence, improve AI literacy to better understand its application in the field of dentistry. 
  • Explore AI Trends in Dentistry - learn about the latest academic and industry developments in AI within dentistry and periodontics. 
  • Assess AI's Impact: - critically evaluate the possible effects of using AI in dental education and practice, including both benefits and challenges.


The rapid advancement of artificial intelligence (AI) is revolutionizing various sectors, including dentistry.  As we stand on the brink of this technological revolution, we must ask ourselves: Are we ready to integrate AI into our dental practices? Could robots potentially supersede dentists? What are the implications of this transformation on dental education and practice?

This boot camp aims to equip dental professionals with the essential AI literacy to navigate this evolving landscape effectively. The boot camp will provide basic understanding of AI's principles, insights in the latest academic and industry development in dentistry and especially in the field of periodontics, and critical evaluation skills to assess the impact of AI in dental education and practice.  We aim to empower participants to not only use AI tools but also to foster dialogue around AI's ethical and legal implications in dentistry, shaping a responsible and sustainable AI-integrated future.