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FDI World Dental Federation serves as the principal representative body for more than one million dentists worldwide, developing health policy and continuing education programmes

FDI_COVID-19 Resource Library
FDI offers guidance to members, health authorities and dental teams in response to COVID-19
FDI network_ WHO_World Tobacco Day
World No Tobacco Day: FDI uses digital media to promote oral health and combat Big Tobacco online
FDI network_WHO Director-General Dr Tedros
FDI welcomes WHO resolution on COVID-19 but highlights the need to protect dental teams
FDI celebration_Gum Health Day
Gum health expert Prof. Lijian Jin says no to bleeding gums on Gum Health Day
FDI’s International Dental Journal (IDJ)
International Dental Journal celebrates 70th volume with a special issue on an oscillating-rotating electric toothbrush with micro-vibrations
FDI World Dental Development Fund_Courtesy Angkor Hospital for Children_Cambodia
FDI's World Dental Development Fund now accepting applications that focus on COVID-19 response
FDI member_Palestinian Dental Association
Palestinian Dental Association champions access to dental care for migrants living in Greece
FDI network_World Health Professions Alliance
World Health Professions Alliance calls for G20 action to secure personal protective equipment for health personnel
FDI project_Brush Day and Night
Study protocol seeks to measure the impact of Brush Day & Night 21-day toothbrushing programme in schools