Call for Experts: Partially Dentate Patients Project
Can you dedicate your time and expertise to help in the development of resources for partially dentate patients?

FDI is looking for experts who could provide guidance and contribute their time to the development and completion of several resources related to the Partially Dentate Patients (PDP) project.
The PDP Project was launched in 2018 and encourages dentists to organize their treatment and care plan along a collaborative care continuum. The project is now in its third phase and will focus on improving patient-practitioner communication and patient-centered care through the development of educational and communication resources for dentists.
The project deliverables include developing:
- a practical guide to assist oral health professional in discussing partially dentate patients’ well-being and preferences and using these to inform care;
- educational resources to raise awareness of the importance of such a person-centered approach.
Join the Task Team
Email Marc Sintes: to express your interest in joining the Task Team or if you would like to nominate an expert. Please include full name and contact details in the message.
Learn more about the Partially Dentate Patients Project , which is supported by GSK.