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FDI World Dental Federation serves as the principal representative body for more than one million dentists worldwide, developing health policy and continuing education programmes

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FDI Global Periodontal Health Project_survey
Periodontal (Gum) disease
FDI Global Periodontal Health Project 2017 NDA survey

FDI conducted a survey among its 150 members on periodontal health and found that, from the 61 National Dental Associations (NDAs) who took part, only 40% have a national monitoring and evaluation plan of periodontal disease.

FDI GPHP Project - Educational Slides Deck FINAL.pdf
FDI GPHP Project - Educational Slides Deck
FDI OHAP Exercise Brochure
Oral health for an ageing population
FDI OHAP Exercise Brochure

This brochure provides oral function exercises to be performed regularly by older adults to help maintain their oral health and prevent signs of oral function decline.

Policy Statement toolkit
FDI Policy Statement Toolkit (English)
Policy Statement toolkit
FDI Policy Statement Toolkit (French)
Policy Statement toolkit
FDI Policy Statement Toolkit (Spanich)
FDI Sustainability Infographic
Tobacco Cessation Guidance
Tobacco Cessation
FDI Tobacco Cessation Guide for Health Professionals
Chairside guide

This new guidance presents how to deliver a three to five minutes advice to help a tobacco user make a quit attemptin a primary care setting.

FDI Vision 2020_a blueprint for the profession_journal article
FDI Vision 2020: a blueprint for the profession
Journal article

Executive summary of FDI Vision 2020 publication.

FDI Vision 2020_brochure
Oral health and general health
FDI Vision 2020: Shaping the future of oral health

Focuses specifically on how oral health can be improved through changes to national legislation and regulation. Paves the way for a new model of oral healthcare led by dentists in collaboration with a wide range of other stakeholders

FDI white paper_The essential role of the dental team in reducing antibiotic resistance
FDI white paper: The essential role of the dental team in reducing antibiotic resistance
White paper

This white paper presents a framework for dental teams seeking to tackle the problem of antibiotic resistance. Antibiotics are lifesaving drugs—when you need them, you need them to work. Antibiotic resistance is a global problem and growing rapidly due to widespread misuse of antibiotics, putting patients at risk for ‘superbugs’ that are difficult (and sometimes impossible) to treat with antibiotics. 

Tobacco cessation
Tobacco Cessation
Final FDI Tobacco Cessation Guide Japanese
Chairside guide
Global Periodontal Health Project 2019 NDA_survey
Periodontal (Gum) disease
Global Periodontal Health Project 2019 NDA survey

In 2019, 69 NDAs from 67 different countries across Africa, America, Asia-Pacific, the Middle East, and Europe responded to the survey, compared to 61 NDAs from 59 countries in 2017.

Global periodontal health_Challenges, priorities and perspectives_proceedings
Periodontal (Gum) disease
Global periodontal health: Challenges, priorities and perspectives

Periodontitis is closely linked with general health and major NCDs, such as cancer, cardiovascular diseases, and diabetes. Even though it is one of the most common diseases worldwide, it seldom receives the attention it deserves. This consideration has led FDI World Dental Federation (FDI) to launch the GPHP to tackle the burden of periodontal diseases.

Guideleness for amateurs_brochure
Sports dentistry
Guidelines for amateurs

This guideline provides information on the importance of maintaining a healthy mouth while playing sports, how a healthy mouth affects athletic performance, and how to maintain and protect oral health when playing sports.

Guidelines for dentists and sports medicine physicians_brochure
Sports dentistry
Guidelines for dentists and sports medicine physicians

This comprehensive guide provides information for clinicians on how oral health impacts sports performance and vice-versa, along with recommendations for prevention, screening, treatment, and dental recall intervals.

Guideleness for elite athletes_brochure
Sports dentistry
Guidelines for elite athletes

This guideline provides information on maintaining a healthy mouth when competing at the elite level and how poor oral health effects performance. This guide also provides details on how to protect your mouth during sports and training.

International Dental Students Associations pledge for oral health improvement
International Dental Students Associations pledge for oral health improvement
IADS pledge oral health improvement
Vision 2030
International Dental Students Associations pledge for oral health improvement
Introducing the Whole Mouth Health Project_proceeding
Introducing the Whole Mouth Health Project: Oral health literacy, behaviour change, and empowering patients to improve their oral health

These proceedings give an introduction to the Whole Mouth Health project introduced at the FDI World Dental Congress in San Francisco, United States on 5 and 7 September 2019.

Istanbul DEclaration
Oral health and general health
Istanbul declaration

Oral health and general health: a call for collaborative approach

Key learnings from the GPHP follow-up survey on periodontal health_infographics
Periodontal (Gum) disease
Key learnings from the GPHP follow-up survey on periodontal health

Conducted between February and May 2019, the survey asked FDI National Dental Associations the same 19 questions developed in 2017 on periodontal health relating to: national health policies; health information systems; education and workforces; and national prevention and promotion efforts by NDAs.

2017_Key learnings
Key learnings from the GPHP survey on periodontal health